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The useSliceAngularPath hook takes a PieSliceData as input, and returns an array of Skia [SkPath, SkPaint] objects that represent the path and the paint for that pie slice.

  • You wouldn't normally use this unless you were creating entirely custom angular insets.


import { Pie, useSliceAngularPath, type PieSliceData } from "victory-native";
import { Path } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";
import DATA from "./my-data";

function MyCustomSliceAngularInset({ slice }: { slice: PieSliceData }) {
// 👇 use the hook to generate a path and paint object.
const [path, insetPaint] = useSliceAngularInsetPath({ slice, angularInset });
/* 👇 experiment wtih any other customizations you want */
return <Path path={path} paint={insetPaint} {} />;

export function MyChart() {
return (
<Pie.Chart data={DATA} labelKey="title" colorKey="palette" valueKey="high">
{/* 👇 pass the PieSliceData to our custom component */}
{({ slice }) => <MyCustomSliceAngularInset slice={slice} />}


useSliceAngularPath has a function signature as follows:

useSliceAngularPath(slice: PieSliceData): [SkPath, SkPaint]


The slice argument is a PieSliceData object used to generate the slices's path. Generally, this data comes from render function of the Pie.Chart, as illustrated in the example above.


[SkPath, SkPaint]

The SkPath path object to be used as the path argument of a Skia <Path /> element. The SkPaint path object to be used as the paint argument of a Skia <Path /> element.