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BarGroup (Component)

The BarGroup component takes a ChartBounds object, some options for spacing, and some BarGroup.Bar children and returns an array of Skia Path elements to draw the grouped bar chart.

Example output of a bar chart


import { CartesianChart, BarGroup } from "victory-native";
import DATA from "./my-data";

export function MyChart() {
return (
<CartesianChart data={DATA} xKey="x" yKeys={["y", "z"]}>
{({ points, chartBounds }) => (
<BarGroup.Bar points={points.y} color="red" />
<BarGroup.Bar points={points.z} color="blue" />



A ChartBounds object needed to appropriately draw the bars. This generally comes from the chartBounds render argument of CartesianChart.


An optional number between 0 and 1 that represents what fraction of the horizontal space between the first and last bar groups should be "white space". Defaults to 0.2. Use 0 for no gap between groups, and values closer to 1 to make bars increasingly narrow.


An optional number between 0 and 1 that represents what fraction of the horizontal space between the first and last bars within a group should be "white space". Defaults to 0.2. Use 0 for no gap between bars within a group, and values closer to 1 to make bars increasingly narrow.


The barWidth prop takes a number and sets the width of the bar to that number. If not provided, the default is determined by a combination of the total available width for the group of bars, the number of bars in the group, and the padding between the bars within the group. Takes precedence over barCount prop. Use this for the most fine grained control of bar width.


The barCount prop takes a number and sets the width of the bar as if there X data points. If not provided, the default is determined by the chartBounds and number of data points. Useful for getting a fixed bar width regardless of the number of data points. Use this for a more general control of bar width.


An optional callback of the form:

onBarSizeChange: (values: {
barWidth: number;
groupWidth: number;
gapWidth: number;
}) => void;

That alerts the consumer when the size of the bars/groups changes, useful for if you're building a custom tooltip and need to know the size of the groups/bars.


The roundedCorners prop allows you to customize the roundedness of each corner of a BarGroup.Bar component. It's an object type that defines the radii for the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left corners.

  • topLeft?: number: Defines the radius of the top-left corner of the Bar. If not provided, the default is 0 (no rounding).
  • topRight?: number: Defines the radius of the top-right corner of the Bar. If not provided, the default is 0 (no rounding).
  • bottomRight?: number: Defines the radius of the bottom-right corner of the Bar. If not provided, the default is 0 (no rounding).
  • bottomLeft?: number: Defines the radius of the bottom-left corner of the Bar. If not provided, the default is 0 (no rounding).


An array of BarGroup.Bar elements (see below) that represent the bars to add to the bar group.

BarGroup.Bar Props


A PointsArray array indicating the dataset to be used for this particular bar. Generally comes from the points value of the CartesianChart render function argument.


The animate prop takes a PathAnimationConfig object and will animate the path when the points changes.


A children pass-thru that will be rendered inside of the Skia Path element, useful if you'd like to make e.g. a gradient path.

Paint properties

The Line component will also pass the following painting props down to the underlying Path component:

  • color
  • blendMode
  • opacity
  • antiAlias