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API Reference


StyleProvider is a React component with the following props:

type StyleProviderProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ colorScheme?: "light" | "dark" | "auto" }>;
  • Use StyleProvider to wrap your entire app.
  • Gives your app access to color-scheme information needed to handle light/dark modes.
  • Pass colorScheme="dark" to force the app into "dark mode". Pass colorScheme="light" to force the app into "light mode". Pass colorScheme="auto" to use the system's color scheme preference.


const {
} = createStyleBuilder({


  • overrideTheme?: ThemeConstraints | ((args: { baseFontSize: number }) => ThemeConstraints)
    • Allows you to override specific sets of theme constraints. E.g., can provide your own colors and overwrite the default colors.
    • Can provide a function, giving you access to baseFontSize for deriving values based on the base font size.
    • See ThemeConstraints for available options.
  • extendTheme?: ThemeConstraints | ((args: { baseFontSize: number }) => ThemeConstraints)
    • Allows you to extend specific sets of theme constraints. E.g., can add your own colors on top of the default color palette.
    • Can provide a function, giving you access to baseFontSize for deriving values based on the base font size.
    • See ThemeConstraints for available options.
  • extraHandlers?: {[key: string]: (...args: any[]) => object}
    • Allows you to provide your own additional style handlers.
    • For example, { foo: () => ({ color: "red" }) } will make a new style class foo that can be used to apply color: "red" to an element.


  • styles: (...classes: ClassNameArg[]) => Record<string, any>

    • A method to build a React Native style object based on the classes you pass it.
    • ClassNameArg type is dynamic based on the options you pass to the createStyleBuilder function. See dynamic class name lists for more details on arguments.
    • No reliance on React APIs, can be used anywhere.
    • Does not support dark mode.
  • useStyles: ({ classes: ClassNameArg[]; darkClasses: ClassNameArg[] }) => Record<string, any>

    • React hook-wrapper around styles that accepts a list of baseline classes, and darkClasses to apply on top of classes when in dark mode.
    • Must be used in React function component or hook.
  • makeStyledComponent: <Props>(Component: React.Component<Props>) => React.Component<Props & { classes?: ClassNameArg[]; darkClasses?: ClassNameArg[] }>

    • A function to turn a component (with a style prop) into a "styled" component that has classes and darkClasses props that will be applied to the style of the underline component.
    • Example: const StyledView = makeStyledComponent(View) where View is from React Native.
  • styled: <BaseProps>(Component: React.Component<BaseProps>) => <ExtraProps>(...classes: Args<ExtraProps>) => React.Component<BaseProps & ExtraProps>

    • A method to wrap a component and apply styles based on the classes provided. See Styling Methods for some illustrative examples.
    • Provides a Styled Components-like API based on the theme.
    • Example: const Wrapper = styled(View)("flex:1", "bg:gray-100")
  • theme: ThemeConstraints

    • The final theme after overrides/extensions have been made.
    • This allows you to manually use your theme constraints if need-be, e.g. color={theme.colors["green-500"]}.


const colorRange = extractTwColor({ twColor, name });


  • twColor: keyof TwColors
    • A name from the TW-inspired color palette, e.g. blueGray.
  • name: string
    • The name that will be used in your style classes for this color. E.g., if name: "brand" then you'll have access to colors like bg:brand-300 etc.


Returns an object of the shape {[key: string]: string} which should be spread into the colors field of overrideTheme or extendTheme option of createStyleBuilder.


import { createStyleBuilder, extractTwColor } from "react-native-zephyr";

const { styles } = createStyleBuilder({
extendTheme: {
...extractTwColor({ twColor: "blueGray", name: "primary" }),

// Now have access to blueGray color aliased as `primary`:
styles("bg:primary-100", "color:primary-800", /* ... */);



The type of the default theme, and type used for overrideTheme and extendTheme options of createStyleBuilder.

export type ThemeConstraints = {
spacing?: Record<NumOrString, string | number>;
colors?: Record<NumOrString, string> | undefined;
opacities?: Record<NumOrString, number>;
aspectRatios?: Record<NumOrString, readonly [number, number]>;
borderSizes?: Record<NumOrString, number>;
borderRadii?: Record<NumOrString, number>;
shadows?: Record<
{ android: number; ios: readonly [number, number, number, number] }
fontSizes?: Record<NumOrString, readonly [number, number]>;
fontWeights?: Record<NumOrString, TextStyle["fontWeight"]>;

export type NumOrString = number | string;