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FlatList is an extension of the React Native FlatList component, focused on accessibility.

import { FlatList } from 'react-native-ama';

keyExtractor={item =>}
singularMessage="%count% item found"
pluralMessage="%count% items found"

Accessibility Improvements

  • On Android allows TalkBack to announce in list/out list or in grid/out of grid
  • A dynamic list automatically announces the number of items found when it gets filtered


With a native app, TalkBack, to announce when the user focuses or leaves a list for the first time. This info is additionally provided as in list (or in grid), and out of list (or out of the grid). This behaviour is missing in ReactNative as the FlatList uses a ScrollView instead of the native RecyclerView one.

To provide this accessibility feature AMA wraps the list in the custom native component: ListWrapper.

Dynamic list

A dynamic list must announce the number of items displayed if they change due to filtering. Check here for more info.


Required listType

dynamicRenders a DynamicFlatList
staticRenders a StaticFlatList